# Module System

Nitrite is a modular database engine. The core functionality of Nitrite is provided by the nitrite module. The nitrite module is the only mandatory module for Nitrite. All other modules are optional and can be added to the project as per the requirement.

Nitrite's module system is built on top of NitritePlugin and NitriteModule interfaces. A module is a collection of plugins. While opening a database, all the modules must be loaded. Each module then load and initialize all the plugins it contains.

The nitrite module provides default implementation of all the interfaces. For example, the nitrite module provides in-memory storage implementation. If you want to use on-disk storage, you need to add a storage module to your project.

The main advantage of Nitrite's module system is that it allows you to extend the functionality of Nitrite without adding all the dependencies at once in your project. You only need to add dependencies that you want to use. This helps to keep the application size small.

You can write your own module and plugin and add it to the project. The module system also allows you to replace the default implementation of any plugin. For example, if you want to use a different storage engine, you can write your own storage module and add it to the project.

# NitriteModule

The NitriteModule interface is the base interface for all the modules. It encapsulates a set of plugins. A module must be loaded before opening a database.

var module = MyModule();

var db = await Nitrite.builder()

To create a module, you need to implement the NitriteModule interface. The NitriteModule interface has a single getter plugins which returns a set of plugins.

class MyModule implements NitriteModule {
  Set<NitritePlugin> get plugins => {MyPlugin()};

# Dynamic Module

A dynamic module can be created using the global module() method. A dynamic module is a module which is not loaded from any package, instead it is created dynamically.

var module = module([MyPlugin()]);

var db = await Nitrite.builder()

A dynamic module is useful when you want to create a module from a set of plugins at runtime.

# Available Modules

The following modules are available from Nitrite.

# NitritePlugin

The NitritePlugin interface is the base interface for all the plugins. A plugin is a single unit of functionality. A plugin must be loaded via a NitriteModule before opening a database.

var plugin = MyPlugin();
var module = MyModule(plugin);
var db = await Nitrite.builder()

# Initializing Plugin

A plugin can be initialized by implementing the initialize() method of the NitritePlugin interface. The initialize() method is called by the module when the plugin is loaded.

class MyPlugin implements NitritePlugin {
  Future<void> initialize(NitriteConfig nitriteConfig) async {
    // do something

# Closing Plugin

A plugin can be closed by implementing the close() method of the NitritePlugin interface. The close() method is called by the module when the database is closed.

class MyPlugin implements NitritePlugin {
  Future<void> close() async {
    // do something

# Available Plugins

Following are the available plugins in Nitrite which can be used to extend the functionality of Nitrite:

  • NitriteStore - A plugin to provide storage functionality.
  • NitriteMapper - A plugin to provide object mapping functionality.
  • NitriteIndexer - A plugin to provide indexing functionality.
  • EntityConverter - A plugin to provide entity conversion functionality.

You can implement any of the above plugins to extend the functionality of Nitrite.

# NitriteStore

The NitriteStore interface is the base interface for all the storage plugins. A storage plugin is responsible for storing and retrieving data from the underlying storage. The NitriteStore interface extends the NitritePlugin interface.

class MyStore implements NitriteStore {
    // implement the methods  

A reference implementation of the NitriteStore interface can be found here.

# NitriteMapper

The NitriteMapper interface is the base interface for all the object mapping plugins. A mapper plugin is responsible for mapping an object to a document and vice-versa. The NitriteMapper interface extends the NitritePlugin interface.

class MyMapper extends NitriteMapper {
    // implement the methods

# NitriteIndexer

The NitriteIndexer interface is the base interface for all the indexing plugins. An indexer plugin is responsible for indexing a document. The NitriteIndexer interface extends the NitritePlugin interface.

class CustomIndexer implements NitriteIndexer {
    static final String customIndex = 'custom';

    String get indexType => customIndex;

    // implement the methods

While creating a new index, Nitrite uses the indexType getter to determine the type of the index. The indexType getter must return a unique string for each type of index. So when you create a new index, you need to pass the same string to the IndexOptions.indexType.

var index = await collection.createIndex(['myField'], indexOptions(CustomIndexer.customIndex);

# EntityConverter

An EntityConverter is a plugin which is responsible for converting an object to a document and vice-versa. The EntityConverter interface extends the NitritePlugin interface.

If Nitrite is using the default SimpleNitriteMapper, then all EntityConverters from all the loaded modules are automatically registered with the mapper. If you are using a custom mapper, then you need to register the EntityConverter with the mapper manually.

One of the available EntityConverter in Nitrite is GeometryConverter from the spatial module. It is responsible for converting a Geometry object of JTS to a document and vice-versa. Once you load the spatial module, the GeometryConverter is automatically registered with the mapper. You can find more information about GeometryConverter here.

If you want to load multiple EntityConverters, while opening the database, you can also create a dynamic module and load it instead of using the NitriteBuilder.registerEntityConverter() method multiple times.

var module = module([MyConverter(), MyOtherConverter()]);

var db = await Nitrite.builder()