# Encryption

Nitrite provides field level encryption support via nitrite-support module. You can encrypt your data using with or without a password.

# Field Level Encryption

Nitrite provides a StringFieldEncryptionProcessor utility class to encrypt and decrypt a field of a document. It is a Processor implementation. It uses AES to encrypt and decrypt data.

While initializing the StringFieldEncryptionProcessor, you can either provide a password or not. If you provide a password, the processor will use the password to encrypt and decrypt data. If you do not provide a password, the processor will use a random key to encrypt and decrypt data.

// create a processor with a password
var processor = StringFieldEncryptionProcessor("my-password");

// or, create a processor without a password
var processor = StringFieldEncryptionProcessor();

// add fields to encrypt
processor.addFields(["field1", "field2"]);

// use the processor

// use the collection
await collection.insert(doc);