# Other Operations

# Size of a Collection

You can get the size of a collection using size() method. It returns the number of documents in the collection.

long size = collection.size();

# Clearing a Collection

You can clear all the documents from a collection using clear() method. It removes all the documents from the collection and index entries from the indexes. It does not drop the collection.


# Dropping a Collection

You can drop a collection using drop() method. It removes all the documents from the collection and index entries from the indexes. It also drops all the indexes associated with the collection. It also removes the collection from the database.


You can call isDropped() method to check if the collection is dropped or not.

boolean isDropped = collection.isDropped();

# Closing a Collection

You can close a collection using close() method. Any further operation on a closed collection will throw NitriteIOException.


After closing a collection, you must re-open it via Nitrite.getCollection() method to perform any operation on it.

You can call isOpen() method to check if the collection is closed or not.

boolean isOpen = collection.isOpen();

# Event Listener

You can register an event listener on a collection to get notified on document changes. The event listener must implement CollectionEventListener interface. It will receive CollectionEventInfo whenever a document is inserted, updated or removed from the collection.

collection.subscribe(eventInfo -> {
    // do something

You can also remove an event listener from a collection.


# CollectionEventInfo

CollectionEventInfo contains the following information:

  • item - the document which is inserted, updated or removed.
  • originator - the name of the collection on which the event is fired.
  • eventType - the type of the event. It can be any of the following:
    • EventType.Insert
    • EventType.Update
    • EventType.Remove
    • EventType.IndexStart
    • EventType.IndexEnd
  • timestamp - the timestamp of the event.

# Attributes

Attributes is a metadata information associated with a collection.

You can get/set attributes on a collection. The attributes are stored in the database and can be retrieved later. The attributes are stored in a special map named $nitrite_meta_map.

// get the attributes
Attributes attributes = collection.getAttributes();
attributes.set("key", "value");

// save the attributes

// get the attributes
attributes = collection.getAttributes();

// get the value of a key
String value = attributes.get("key");

# Processors

Processors are used to process documents before writing them into or after reading them from a collection.

Processors are useful when you want to add some additional information in a document or transform any field before inserting or updating it in a collection. Processors are also useful when you want to validate a document before inserting or updating it in a collection.

Processors are registered on a collection. A collection can have multiple processors. Processors are executed in the order they are registered.

# Registering a Processor

You can register a processor on a collection using addProcessor() method. It takes a Processor as input parameter.

public class MyProcessor implements Processor {
    public Document processBeforeWrite(Document document) {
        // encrypt the secret value
        document.put("secretValue", encrypt(document.get("secretValue")));
        return document;

    public Document processAfterRead(Document document) {
        // decrypt the secret value
        document.put("secretValue", decrypt(document.get("secretValue")));
        return document;

// create a processor
MyProcessor processor = new MyProcessor();

// process existing documents, if the collection is not empty

// register the processor

# Available Processors

Nitrite provides a StringFieldEncryptionProcessor which can be used to encrypt a field before writing it into a collection and decrypt a field after reading it from a collection.

More on this is described in Support.