# Document

Document is the basic unit of data in Nitrite database. It is a JSON like field-value pairs. The field is always a String and value can be anything including null. Document is schema-less, which means you can store any kind of data in a document.

Nitrite document supports nested document. That means, a value of a field can be another document. This allows you to create complex data structure.

# Document Structure

Nitrite document has the following structure.

    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "address": {
        "street": "123 Main Street",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "zip": "10001"
    "phone": [

# Document Field

Document field is always a String. It can be any valid string. The field cannot be null or empty string.

Below fields are reserved and cannot be used as key in a document.

  • _id : The unique identifier of a document. This field is auto-generated by Nitrite database during insertion.
  • _revision : The revision number of a document. This field is auto-generated by Nitrite database during insertion and update.
  • _source : The source collection name of a document.
  • _modified : The last modified timestamp of a document. This field is auto-generated by Nitrite database during insertion and update.

# Document Value

Document value can be any valid Java object. It can be null or any primitive type. It can also be a collection or an array. It can also be a nested document.

# Document Identifier

It is a unique identifier of a document. It is auto-generated by Nitrite database during insertion. It is a NitriteId and is stored as a String in the document.

# NitriteId

NitriteId is a unique identifier across the Nitrite database. Each document in a nitrite collection is associated with a NitriteId.

During insertion if a unique String value representing a 64-bit integer is supplied in the _id field of the document, then the value of the _id field will be used to generate the NitriteId. Otherwise, a new NitriteId will be generated and will be used in the _id field of the document.

The value of the NitriteId is a String representation of a 64-bit integer. The id generation is based on Twitter Snowflake algorithm. The id is composed of:

  • 41 bits for time in milliseconds
  • 10 bits for a machine id
  • 12 bits for a sequence number
  • 1 unused sign bit

The id is not guaranteed to be monotonically increasing. The id is sortable and the timestamp is stored in the id itself.

# Retrieving a NitriteId from a Document

The id can be retrieved from a document using Document.getId() method. If the document does not have an id, then it will create a new NitriteId and will set it in the document and will return the id. If the document already has an id, then it will return the id.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John");

NitriteId id = document.getId();

# Field Separator

To access a field of a nested document, or an element of an array field, you need to use the field separator.

Field separator is configurable. You can change the field separator character by calling NitriteBuilder.fieldSeparator() method.

Nitrite db = Nitrite.builder()

# Nested Document

To specify or access a field of a nested document, you need to use the field separator character. That means, if a document has a field address which is a nested document, then the field street of the nested document can be accessed using address.street syntax.

# Array Field

To specify or access an element of an array field, you need to use the index of the element. For example, if a document has a field phone which is an array, then the first element of the array can be accessed using phone.0 syntax.

# Creating a Document

To create a document, you need to use Document.createDocument() method.

# Creating an Empty Document

Document document = Document.createDocument();

# Creating a Document with Initial Field-value Pair

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John");

# Creating a Document with a Map

Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("firstName", "John");
map.put("lastName", "Doe");

Document document = Document.createDocument(map);

# Updating a Document

To update a document, you need to use Document.put() method. This method takes two parameters, the field name and the value. If the field already exists in the document, then the value will be updated. If the field does not exist, then it will be created.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John");

document.put("lastName", "Doe");

# Retrieving a Value from Document

To retrieve a value from document, you need to use Document.get() method. This method takes one parameter, the field name. If the field exists in the document, then the value will be returned. If the field does not exist, then it will return null.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John");

String firstName = document.get("firstName");

To retrieve a value from a nested document, use the field separator character.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John")
    .put("address", Document.createDocument("street", "123 Main Street"));

String street = document.get("address.street", String.class);
// or
String street = (String) document.get("address.street");

To retrieve an element from an array field, use the index of the element.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John")
    .put("phone", new String[] { "212-555-1234", "646-555-4567" });

String phone = document.get("phone.0", String.class);
// or
String phone = (String) document.get("phone.0");

# Removing a Field from Document

To remove a field from document, you need to use Document.remove() method. This method takes one parameter, the field name. If the field exists in the document, then it will be removed. If the field does not exist, then it will do nothing.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John");


To remove a field from a nested document, use the field separator character.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John")
    .put("address", Document.createDocument("street", "123 Main Street"));


To remove an element from an array field, use the index of the element.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John")
    .put("phone", new String[] { "212-555-1234", "646-555-4567" });


# Checking If a Field Exists in Document

To check if a field exists in a document, you need to use Document.containsField() method. This method takes one parameter, the field name. If the field exists in the document, then it will return true. If the field does not exist, then it will return false.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John");

boolean hasFirstName = document.containsField("firstName");

To check if a field exists in a nested document, use the field separator character.

Document document = Document.createDocument("firstName", "John")
    .put("address", Document.createDocument("street", "123 Main Street"));

boolean hasStreet = document.containsField("address.street");