# Schema Migration

A migration is a set of changes to the schema that can be applied to a database. Migrations are used to keep the database schema up to date with the codebase. It contains a queue of instructions that are executed in order to update the database schema from one version to the next.

For example, if you have a database with the schema version 1 and you want to update it to version 2, you need to apply the migration steps from version 1 and version 2.

// Create a migration

Migration migration = new Migration(1, 2) {
    public void migrate(InstructionSet instruction) {
            .addUser("test-user", "test-password");

        instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")
            .renameRepository("new", null)
            .changeDataType("empId", (TypeConverter<String, Long>) Long::parseLong)
            .changeIdField(Fields.withNames("uuid"), Fields.withNames("empId"))
            .renameField("lastName", "familyName")
            .addField("fullName", document -> document.get("firstName", String.class) + " "
                + document.get("familyName", String.class))
            .changeDataType("literature.ratings", (TypeConverter<Float, Integer>) Math::round);

// Apply the migration
Nitrite db = Nitrite.builder()
    .openOrCreate("test-user", "test-password");

The migration instructions are executed in the order they are added to the migration. The order of the instructions is important. For example, if you want to rename a field, you need to add the renameField instruction before the deleteField instruction. Otherwise, the deleteField instruction will fail.

Nitrite provides a set of instructions that can be used to update the database schema. These instructions can be grouped into three categories:

  • Database Instruction
  • Collection Instruction
  • Repository Instruction

# Database Instruction

Database instructions are used to perform operations on the database. The following instructions are available:

# Add User

Adds an instruction to set a user authentication to the database. The user will be used to open the database.

    .addUser("test-user", "test-password");

# Change Password

Adds an instruction to change the password for the user authentication to the database.

    .changePassword("test-user", "test-password", "new-password");

# Drop Collection

Adds an instruction to drop a NitriteCollection from the database.


# Drop Repository

Adds an instruction to drop a ObjectRepository from the database. There are several ways to drop a repository:

# Drop by Class


# Drop by Class and Key Name

    .dropRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1");

# Drop by EntityDecorator

    .dropRepository(new OldClassEntityDecorator<OldClass>());

# Drop by EntityDecorator and Key Name

    .dropRepository(new OldClassEntityDecorator<OldClass>(), "demo1");

# Drop by Repository Type Name


# Drop by Repository Type Name and Key Name

    .dropRepository("com.example.OldClass", "demo1");

# Custom Instruction

Adds a custom instruction to perform a user defined operation on the database. The custom instruction is a callback that takes a Nitrite instance as an argument. The callback can be used to perform any operation on the database.

    .customInstruction(nitrite -> {
        // do something with the database

# Collection Instruction

Collection instructions are used to perform operations on a NitriteCollection. The following instructions are available:

# Rename Collection

Adds an instruction to rename a NitriteCollection.


# Add Field

Adds an instruction to add new field to the documents of a NitriteCollection.

# Add Field with Null Value


The new field will be added to all the documents of the collection. The value of the new field will be null.

# Add Field with Default Value

    .addField("new-field", "new-value");

The new field will be added to all the documents of the collection. The value of the new field will be new-value.

# Add Field with Generator

    .addField("new-field", document -> {
        // do something with the document
        return "new-value";

The new field will be added to all the documents of the collection. The value of the new field will be the value returned by the Generator.

# Generator

A Generator is a functional interface that takes a Document as input and returns a value. The value returned by the Generator will be used as the value of the new field.

Generator<String> generator = document -> {
    // do something with the document
    return "new-value";

# Rename Field

Adds an instruction to rename a field of the documents of a NitriteCollection.

    .renameField("old-field", "new-field");

# Delete Field

Adds an instruction to delete a field from the documents of a NitriteCollection.


# Drop Index

Adds an instruction to drop an index from a NitriteCollection.

    .dropIndex("field-name-1", "field-name-2");

The drop index instruction can be used to drop a single field index or a compound index.

# Drop All Indexes

Adds an instruction to drop all the indexes from a NitriteCollection.


# Create Index

Adds an instruction to create an index on a NitriteCollection.

    .createIndex(IndexType.NON_UNIQUE, "field-name-1", "field-name-2");

The create index instruction can be used to create a single field index or a compound index.

# Repository Instruction

Repository instructions are used to perform operations on a ObjectRepository. The following instructions are available:

# Rename Repository

Adds an instruction to rename a ObjectRepository.

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")
    .renameRepository("com.example.NewClass", null);

# Add Field

Adds an instruction to add new field to the entity of a ObjectRepository.

# Add Field with Null Value

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")

The new field will be added to all the entities of the repository. The value of the new field will be null.

# Add Field with Default Value

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")
    .addField("new-field", 0);

The new field will be added to all the entities of the repository. The value of the new field will be 0.

# Add Field with Generator Function

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")
    .addField("new-field", document -> {
        // do something with the document
        return "new-value";

The new field will be added to all the entities of the repository. The value of the new field will be the value returned by the Generator function.

More information about the Generator can be found here.

# Rename Field

Adds an instruction to rename a field of the entity of a ObjectRepository.

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")
    .renameField("old-field", "new-field");

# Delete Field

Adds an instruction to delete a field from the entity of a ObjectRepository.

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")

# Change Data Type

Adds an instruction to change the data type of a field of the entity of a ObjectRepository.

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")
    .changeDataType("field-name", (TypeConverter<String, Long>) Long::parseLong);

# Type Converter

A TypeConverter is a functional interface that takes a value of one type as input and returns a value of another type. The value returned by the TypeConverter will be used as the value of the new field.

// convert String to Long
TypeConverter<String, Long> converter = Long::parseLong;

// convert Float to Integer
TypeConverter<Float, Integer> converter = Math::round;

# Change Id Field

Adds an instruction to change the id field of the entity of a ObjectRepository.

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")
    .changeIdField(Fields.withNames("uuid"), Fields.withNames("empId"));

# Drop Index

Adds an instruction to drop an index from a ObjectRepository.

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")
    .dropIndex("field-name-1", "field-name-2");

The drop index instruction can be used to drop a single field index or a compound index.

# Drop All Indexes

Adds an instruction to drop all the indexes from a ObjectRepository.

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")

# Create Index

Adds an instruction to create an index on a ObjectRepository.

instruction.forRepository(OldClass.class, "demo1")
    .createIndex(IndexType.NON_UNIQUE, "field-name-1", "field-name-2");

The create index instruction can be used to create a single field index or a compound index.