# Import/Export

Nitrite provides import/export functionality via nitrite-support library. You can import/export your database to/from a file in JSON format. You can choose to import/export the entire database or a specific collection.

# Exporting Database

To export the entire database in JSON format, you can use the Exporter class of nitrite-support library. You can construct an instance of Exporter from an ExportOptions instance using Exporter.withOptions() method. The ExportOptions class provides various options to configure the export process.

// create an exporter with export options
Exporter exporter = new Exporter(exportOptions);

// export the database to a file

The exportTo() method can take a File or a String or an OutputStream or a Writer as an argument. If you pass a File or a String argument, the exporter will create a FileOutputStream and write the exported data to the file. If you pass an OutputStream or a Writer argument, the exporter will write the exported data to the stream or writer.

# Export Options

The ExportOptions class provides various options to configure the export process. You can set the following options:

  • nitriteFactory - the NitriteFactory instance to use for export. It is used to create the Nitrite instance for export. It's a mandatory field.
  • jsonFactory - the JsonFactory instance to use for export. It is used to create the JsonGenerator instance for export. It's an optional field, if not provided, a default one will be used.
  • exportIndices - whether to export indices or not. It's an optional field, if not provided, it will be set to true.
  • exportData - whether to export data or not. It's an optional field, if not provided, it will be set to true.
  • collections - the list of collections to export. The rules for specifying the collection names are as follows:
    • If null is specified, all collections will be exported.
    • If an empty list is specified, no collection will be exported.
    • If a non-empty list is specified, only the collections in the list will be exported.
  • repositories - the list of repositories to export. The rules for specifying the repository names are as follows:
    • If null is specified, all repositories will be exported.
    • If an empty list is specified, no repository will be exported.
    • If a non-empty list is specified, only the repositories in the list will be exported.
  • keyedRepositories - the map of keyed repositories to export. The rules for specifying the keyed repository names are as follows:
    • If null is specified, all keyed repositories will be exported.
    • If an empty map is specified, no keyed repository will be exported.
    • If a non-empty map is specified, only the keyed repositories in the map will be exported.

# Example

First create a method to create a Nitrite instance, which will be used as the nitriteFactory.

public Nitrite createDb(String filePath) {
    // create a MVStore based file store
    MVStoreModule storeModule = MVStoreModule.withConfig()

    // create an instance of nitrite database
    return Nitrite.builder()
        .registerEntityConverter(new Employee.EmployeeConverter())
        .registerEntityConverter(new Company.CompanyConverter())
        .registerEntityConverter(new Note.NoteConverter())

Then create the ExportOptions instance and configure it.

// create export options
ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();
// set the nitrite factory
exportOptions.setNitriteFactory(() -> createDb("test.db"));
// set the collections to export
// set the repositories to export
exportOptions.setRepositories(List.of("org.dizitart.no2.support.data.Employee", "org.dizitart.no2.support.data.Company"));
// set the keyed repositories to export
exportOptions.setKeyedRepositories(Map.of("key", Set.of("org.dizitart.no2.support.data.Employee")));

Then create the Exporter instance and export the database.

// create an exporter with export options
Exporter exporter = Exporter.withOptions(exportOptions);

The test.json file will contain the exported data.

# Importing Database

To import the entire database from an exported JSON data, you can use the Importer class of nitrite-support library. You can construct an instance of Importer from an ImportOptions instance using Importer.withOptions() method. The ImportOptions class provides various options to configure the import process.

// create an importer with import options
Importer importer = new Importer(importOptions);

// import the database from a file

The importFrom() method can take a File or a String or an InputStream or a Reader as an argument. If you pass a File or a String argument, the importer will create a FileInputStream and read the exported data from the file. If you pass an InputStream or a Reader argument, the importer will read the exported data from the stream or reader.

# Import Options

The ImportOptions class provides various options to configure the import process. You can set the following options:

  • nitriteFactory - the NitriteFactory instance to use for import. It is used to create the Nitrite instance for import. It's a mandatory field.
  • jsonFactory - the JsonFactory instance to use for import. It is used to create the JsonParser instance for import. It's an optional field, if not provided, a default one will be used.

# Example

First create a ImportOptions instance and configure it using the createDb() method from the previous example.

// create import options
ImportOptions importOptions = new ImportOptions();
// set the nitrite factory
importOptions.setNitriteFactory(() -> createDb("new-test.db"));

Then create the Importer instance and import the database.

// create an importer with import options
Importer importer = Importer.withOptions(importOptions);

The new-test.db file will contain the imported data. You can open the database and use it.