# Object Repository

ObjectRepository provides a simple and type-safe API for storing and retrieving Kotlin/Java objects in a Nitrite database. It is built on top of NitriteCollection and provides a similar API for CRUD operations. It also supports indexing and querying. It also supports event based notification on object changes.

More details on repository can be found here.

# Kotlin API for ObjectRepository

Potassium Nitrite provides some higher-order functions to make repository manipulation easier.

# Creating a Repository with Class Type

You can create a ObjectRepository by passing a class type to getRepository() method.

val repository = db.getRepository<Employee>() {
    // do something with repository
    insert(Employee("John", "Doe"))

# Creating a Repository with Class Type and Key

You can create a keyed ObjectRepository by passing a class type and a key to getRepository() method.

val repository = db.getRepository<Employee>("myKey") {
    // do something with repository
    insert(Employee("John", "Doe"))

One typical use case of this keyed repository is to create a repository for each user in a multi-user application. The key can be the user name or user id. This will ensure that each user will have a separate repository for storing objects.

# Creating a Repository with EntityDecorator

A ObjectRepository can be created using EntityDecorator. This is useful when you cannot modify the object class to add annotations.

More details about EntityDecorator can be found here.

val repository = db.getRepository(EmployeeDecorator()) {
    // do something with repository
    insert(Employee("John", "Doe"))

# Creating a Repository with EntityDecorator and Key

A keyed ObjectRepository can be created using EntityDecorator and a key. This is useful when you cannot modify the object class to add annotations.

More details about EntityDecorator can be found here.

val repository = db.getRepository(EmployeeDecorator(), "myKey") {
    // do something with repository
    insert(Employee("John", "Doe"))

# NitriteMapper

Nitrite provides a mapper interface called NitriteMapper. It is used to map Java objects to Nitrite documents and vice-versa. More details on NitriteMapper can be found here.

Apart from the SimpleNitriteMapper, Potassium Nitrite also provides two additional mappers:

  • KNO2JacksonMapper
  • KotlinXSerializationMapper

# Jackson Mapper

Potassium Nitrite extends the JacksonMapper to provide KNO2JacksonMapper. This class overrides the getObjectMapper() method to register some Kotlin specific Jackson modules as follows:

It also disables the SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS feature. The constructor of KNO2JacksonMapper takes a vararg of com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module to register additional Jackson modules.

To use the KNO2JacksonMapper instead of the default SimpleNitriteMapper you need to load it while opening the database.

val db = nitrite {

# KotlinX Serialization Mapper

Potassium Nitrite also provides a KotlinX Serialization based mapper called KotlinXSerializationMapper. KotlinX Serialization is used to convert Java/Kotlin objects to Document and vice-versa.

To use the KotlinXSerializationMapper instead of the default SimpleNitriteMapper you need to load it while opening the database.

val db = nitrite {