# Transaction

Nitrite supports transactional operations on its collections and repositories. A transaction can be committed or rolled back. Once a transaction is committed, all the changes are persisted to the disk. If a transaction is rolled back, all the changes are discarded.

More information about Nitrite transactions can be found here.

# Kotlin API for Transaction

Potassium Nitrite provides a set of builder functions for Session and Transaction to make transaction usage more like natural to Kotlin.

# Session

A session represents a transactional context for a Nitrite database. Session is used to create a new transaction. More details on session can be found here.

# Kotlin API for Session

To create a new session, you can use the session() extension function on Nitrite.

val session = db.session {
    // perform transactional operations

Session will be automatically closed once the block is executed.

# Transaction

A transaction is a single logical unit of work which accesses and possibly modifies the contents of a database. Transactions access data using read and write operations. More details on transaction can be found here.

# Kotlin API for Transaction

To start a transaction, you can use the tx() extension function on Session.

db.session {
    tx {
        // perform transactional operations
        val collection = getCollection("test")

        // commit the transaction

Transaction will be automatically closed once the block is executed.