# NitriteMapper

NitriteMapper is a simple and lightweight object mapper which can be used to map Dart objects to Nitrite documents and vice-versa. Nitrite uses a NitriteMapper implementation to map Dart entities to Nitrite documents and vice-versa while storing and retrieving objects from an ObjectRepository.

# SimpleNitriteMapper

Nitrite provides a default NitriteMapper implementation called SimpleNitriteMapper. This is a simple and lightweight mapper which uses EntityConverter to map a Dart object to Nitrite documents and vice-versa. This mapper is suitable for most of the use cases.

# EntityConverter

EntityConverter is a simple interface which provides methods to convert a Dart object to Nitrite document and vice-versa. For each Dart class, you need to provide an implementation of EntityConverter and register it with SimpleNitriteMapper. SimpleNitriteMapper will use this converter to map the Dart object to Nitrite document and vice-versa.

You can write your own implementation of EntityConverter or you can use the code generator to generate the implementation for you. More on this is discussed here.

Let's take an example of Product class.

class Product {
    ProductId? productId;
    Manufacturer? manufacturer;
    String? productName;
    double? price;
    Product({this.productId, this.manufacturer, this.productName, this.price});

class ProductId {
    String? uniqueId;
    String? productCode;
    ProductId({this.uniqueId, this.productCode});

class Manufacturer {
    String? name;
    String? address;
    int? uniqueId;
    Manufacturer({this.name, this.address, this.uniqueId});

To map to Nitrite document, we need to provide an implementation of EntityConverter for each class. Let's take a look at the converter for Product class.

class ProductConverter extends EntityConverter<Product> {
    Document toDocument(Product entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
        Document productId = nitriteMapper.tryConvert<Document, ProductId>(entity.productId);
        Document manufacturer = nitriteMapper.tryConvert<Document, Manufacturer>(entity.manufacturer);

        return emptyDocument()
            .put("productId", productId)
            .put("manufacturer", manufacturer)
            .put("productName", entity.productName)
            .put("price", entity.price);

    Product fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
        var product = Product();
        product.productId = nitriteMapper.tryConvert<ProductId, Document>(document["productId"]);
        product.manufacturer = nitriteMapper.tryConvert<Manufacturer, Document>(document["manufacturer"]);
        product.productName = document["productName"];
        product.price = document["price"];

        return product;

Similarly, we need to provide converters for ProductId and Manufacturer classes.

class ProductIdConverter extends EntityConverter<ProductId> {
    Document toDocument(ProductId entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
        return emptyDocument()
            .put("uniqueId", entity.uniqueId)
            .put("productCode", entity.productCode);

    ProductId fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
        var productId = ProductId();
        productId.uniqueId = document["uniqueId"];
        productId.productCode = document["productCode"];

        return productId;

class ManufacturerConverter extends EntityConverter<Manufacturer> {
    Document toDocument(Manufacturer entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
        return emptyDocument()
            .put("name", entity.name)
            .put("address", entity.address)
            .put("uniqueId", entity.uniqueId);

    Manufacturer fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
        var manufacturer = Manufacturer();
        manufacturer.name = document["name"];
        manufacturer.address = document["address"];
        manufacturer.uniqueId = document["uniqueId"];

        return manufacturer;

Once the converters are ready, we need to register them with registerEntityConverter() method on NitriteBuilder instance.

var db = await Nitrite.builder()

we can also register the converters with SimpleNitriteMapper instance and then pass the instance to loadModule() method.

var nitriteMapper = SimpleNitriteMapper();

var db = await Nitrite.builder()

# Mapping Collections

The EntityConverter interface provides some static methods to convert a collection of Dart objects to a collection of Nitrite documents and vice-versa.

These methods are:

  • fromList() - Converts a List of Dart objects to a List of Nitrite documents. If the type of the elements is a registered value type, it will return the same list without any conversion.
  • fromIterable() - Converts an Iterable of Dart objects to a List of Nitrite documents. If the type of the elements is a registered value type, it will return the same list without any conversion.
  • fromSet() - Converts a Set of Dart objects to a Set of Nitrite documents. If the type of the elements is a registered value type, it will return the same set without any conversion.
  • fromMap() - Converts a Map of key-value pair to a Map of Nitrite documents. If the type of the key or the value is a registered value type, it will not convert those objects to Nitrite document and return as is.
  • toList() - Converts a List of Nitrite documents to a List of Dart objects.
  • toIterable() - Converts an Iterable of Nitrite documents to an List of Dart objects.
  • toSet() - Converts a Set of Nitrite documents to a Set of Dart objects.
  • toMap() - Converts a Map of Nitrite documents to a Map of key value pair.

These methods are useful when you have a collection of objects as a property of a Dart class.

# Example

Let's take an example of Company class which has a map of Employee as a property.

class Company {
  final int companyId;
  final String companyName;
  final DateTime? dateCreated;
  final List<String> departments;
  final Map<String, List<Employee>> employeeRecord;

    this.companyId = 0,
    this.companyName = '',
    this.departments = const [],
    this.employeeRecord = const {},

class Employee {
  int? empId;
  DateTime? joinDate;
  String address;
  String emailAddress;
  List<int> blob;
  Company? company;
  Note? employeeNote;

    this.address = '',
    this.emailAddress = '',
    this.blob = const [],

class Note {
  final int noteId;
  final String text;

    this.noteId = 0,
    this.text = '',

To map this to Nitrite document, we need to provide an implementation of EntityConverter for Company class.

class CompanyConverter extends EntityConverter<Company> {
  Company fromDocument(
    Document document,
    NitriteMapper nitriteMapper,
  ) {
    var map = <String, List<Employee>>{};
    var employeeRecords = document['employeeRecord'] == null
        ? {}
        : document['employeeRecord'] as Map;

    for (var entry in employeeRecords.entries) {
      var key = nitriteMapper.tryConvert<String, dynamic>(entry.key);
      var value = EntityConverter.toList<Employee>(entry.value, nitriteMapper);
      map[key] = value;

    var entity = Company(
      companyId: document['company_id'] ?? 0,
      companyName: document['companyName'] ?? "",
      dateCreated: document['dateCreated'],
          EntityConverter.toList(document['departments'], nitriteMapper),
      employeeRecord: map,

    return entity;

  Document toDocument(
    Company entity,
    NitriteMapper nitriteMapper,
  ) {
    var document = emptyDocument();
    document.put('company_id', entity.companyId);
    document.put('companyName', entity.companyName);
    document.put('dateCreated', entity.dateCreated);
        EntityConverter.fromList(entity.departments, nitriteMapper));
        EntityConverter.fromMap(entity.employeeRecord, nitriteMapper));
    return document;

class EmployeeConverter extends EntityConverter<Employee> {
  Employee fromDocument(
    Document document,
    NitriteMapper nitriteMapper,
  ) {
    var entity = Employee(
      empId: document['empId'],
      joinDate: document['joinDate'],
      address: document['address'] ?? "",
      emailAddress: document['emailAddress'] ?? "",
      blob: EntityConverter.toList(document['blob'], nitriteMapper),
      company: nitriteMapper.tryConvert<Company, Document>(document['company']),
          nitriteMapper.tryConvert<Note, Document>(document['employeeNote']),
    return entity;

  Document toDocument(
    Employee entity,
    NitriteMapper nitriteMapper,
  ) {
    var document = emptyDocument();
    document.put('empId', entity.empId);
    document.put('joinDate', entity.joinDate);
    document.put('address', entity.address);
    document.put('emailAddress', entity.emailAddress);
    document.put('blob', EntityConverter.fromList(entity.blob, nitriteMapper));
        nitriteMapper.tryConvert<Document, Note>(entity.employeeNote));
    return document;

class NoteConverter extends EntityConverter<Note> {
  Note fromDocument(
    Document document,
    NitriteMapper nitriteMapper,
  ) {
    var entity = Note(
      noteId: document['noteId'] ?? 0,
      text: document['text'] ?? "",
    return entity;

  Document toDocument(
    Note entity,
    NitriteMapper nitriteMapper,
  ) {
    var document = emptyDocument();
    document.put('noteId', entity.noteId);
    document.put('text', entity.text);
    return document;

# Code Generation

Nitrite provides a code generator to generate the EntityConverter implementation for you. You have to annotate the class with some specific annotations and then run the code generator. The generated code will be saved in a separate file. You still need to register the generated converter with Nitrite.

The code generator is a separate package and more on the entity generator can be found here.

Nitrite uses below annotations to generate the EntityConverter implementation.

  • @Convertable
  • @DocumentKey
  • @IgnoredKey

# @Convertable

@Convertable annotation is used to mark a class as convertable. This annotation is mandatory for the code generator to work. This annotation specifies the code generator to generate the EntityConverter implementation for the class. It takes an optional parameter className which is used to specify the name of the converter class. If this parameter is not specified, then the code generator will use the class name with Converter suffix as the converter class name.

class Book {
  BookId? bookId;
  String? publisher;
  double? price;
  List<String>? tags;
  String? description;

  Book({this.bookId, this.publisher, this.price, this.tags, this.description});

class BookId {
  String? isbn;
  String? name;
  String? author;
@Convertable(className: 'MyBookConverter')
class Book {
  BookId? bookId;
  String? publisher;
  double? price;
  List<String>? tags;
  String? description;

  Book({this.bookId, this.publisher, this.price, this.tags, this.description});

class BookId {
  String? isbn;
  String? name;
  String? author;

This will generate the following code:


part of 'book.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// ConverterGenerator
// **************************************************************************

class BookConverter extends EntityConverter<Book> {
  Book fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    var book = Book();
    book.bookId = nitriteMapper.tryConvert<BookId, Document>(document["bookId"]);
    book.publisher = document["publisher"];
    book.price = document["price"];
    book.tags = EntityConverter.toList<String>(document["tags"], nitriteMapper);
    book.description = document["description"];
    return book;

  Document toDocument(Book entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    return emptyDocument()
        .put("bookId", nitriteMapper.tryConvert<Document, BookId>(entity.bookId))
        .put("publisher", entity.publisher)
        .put("price", entity.price)
        .put("tags", EntityConverter.fromList<String>(entity.tags, nitriteMapper))
        .put("description", entity.description);

class BookIdConverter extends EntityConverter<BookId> {
  BookId fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    var bookId = BookId();
    bookId.isbn = document["isbn"];
    bookId.name = document["name"];
    bookId.author = document["author"];
    return bookId;

  Document toDocument(BookId entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    return emptyDocument()
        .put("isbn", entity.isbn)
        .put("name", entity.name)
        .put("author", entity.author);

part of 'book.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// ConverterGenerator
// **************************************************************************

class MyBookConverter extends EntityConverter<Book> {
  Book fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    var book = Book();
    book.bookId = nitriteMapper.tryConvert<BookId, Document>(document["bookId"]);
    book.publisher = document["publisher"];
    book.price = document["price"];
    book.tags = EntityConverter.toList<String>(document["tags"], nitriteMapper);
    book.description = document["description"];
    return book;

  Document toDocument(Book entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    return emptyDocument()
        .put("bookId", nitriteMapper.tryConvert<Document, BookId>(entity.bookId))
        .put("publisher", entity.publisher)
        .put("price", entity.price)
        .put("tags", EntityConverter.fromList<String>(entity.tags, nitriteMapper))
        .put("description", entity.description);

class BookIdConverter extends EntityConverter<BookId> {
  BookId fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    var bookId = BookId();
    bookId.isbn = document["isbn"];
    bookId.name = document["name"];
    bookId.author = document["author"];
    return bookId;

  Document toDocument(BookId entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    return emptyDocument()
        .put("isbn", entity.isbn)
        .put("name", entity.name)
        .put("author", entity.author);

You need to register the generated converters with Nitrite by calling registerEntityConverter() method on NitriteBuilder instance.

var db = await Nitrite.builder()

# @DocumentKey

@DocumentKey annotation is used to mark a field as a document key. This annotation provides an alias to the field. Normally the field name is used as the key in the Nitrite document. If you want to use a different name, then you can specify the alias using this annotation. This annotation can be used on a field or a getter/setter method.

class Book {
  @DocumentKey(alias: 'book_id')
  BookId? bookId;
  String? publisher;
  double? price;
  List<String>? tags;
  String? description;

  Book({this.bookId, this.publisher, this.price, this.tags, this.description});

class BookId {
  String? isbn;
  @DocumentKey(alias: "book_name")
  String? name;
  String? author;

This will generate the following code:


part of 'book.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// ConverterGenerator
// **************************************************************************

class BookConverter extends EntityConverter<Book> {
  Book fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    var book = Book();
    book.bookId = nitriteMapper.tryConvert<BookId, Document>(document["book_id"]);
    book.publisher = document["publisher"];
    book.price = document["price"];
    book.tags = EntityConverter.toList<String>(document["tags"], nitriteMapper);
    book.description = document["description"];
    return book;

  Document toDocument(Book entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    return emptyDocument()
        .put("book_id", nitriteMapper.tryConvert<Document, BookId>(entity.bookId))
        .put("publisher", entity.publisher)
        .put("price", entity.price)
        .put("tags", EntityConverter.fromList<String>(entity.tags, nitriteMapper))
        .put("description", entity.description);

class BookIdConverter extends EntityConverter<BookId> {
  BookId fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    var bookId = BookId();
    bookId.isbn = document["isbn"];
    bookId.name = document["book_name"];
    bookId.author = document["author"];
    return bookId;

  Document toDocument(BookId entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    return emptyDocument()
        .put("isbn", entity.isbn)
        .put("book_name", entity.name)
        .put("author", entity.author);

# @IgnoredKey

@IgnoredKey annotation is used to mark a field as ignored. This annotation is useful when you want to ignore a field while mapping to Nitrite document. This annotation can be used on a field or a getter/setter method.

class BookId {
  String? isbn;
  @DocumentKey(alias: "book_name")
  String? name;
  String? author;

This will generate the following code:


part of 'book.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// ConverterGenerator
// **************************************************************************

class BookIdConverter extends EntityConverter<BookId> {
  BookId fromDocument(Document document, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    var bookId = BookId();
    bookId.isbn = document["isbn"];
    bookId.name = document["book_name"];
    return bookId;

  Document toDocument(BookId entity, NitriteMapper nitriteMapper) {
    return emptyDocument()
        .put("isbn", entity.isbn)
        .put("book_name", entity.name);

# Custom NitriteMapper

Apart from SimpleNitriteMapper, you can also provide your own implementation of NitriteMapper. You need to implement NitriteMapper interface and provide your own implementation. Once the implementation is ready, you need to load it using loadModule() method on NitriteBuilder while building the database.

Nitrite db = Nitrite.builder()
    .loadModule(module(new CustomNitriteMapper()))