# Nitrite Database

Nitrite database is a serverless, embedded, and self-contained Java NoSQL database. It is an open-source project that provides a simple API for persistent data storage. Nitrite database is designed to be lightweight, fast, and easy to use.

# Creating a Database

Nitrite database can be created in-memory or on-disk. By default, Nitrite database is created in-memory. To create a database on-disk, you need to add a storage module dependency to your project. More details about storage modules can be found here.

To create a database, you need to use nitrite() function. It is a builder function that returns an instance of Nitrite.

var db = nitrite {
    // database configuration

# In-memory Database

If you don't load any on-disk storage module, then Nitrite will create an in-memory database. The below code snippet shows how to create a database in-memory.

var db = nitrite()

# On-disk Database

The below code snippet shows how to create a database on-disk.

# MVStore Backed Database

val storeModule = MVStoreModule.withConfig()

var db = nitrite {

More details about MVStore configuration can be found here.

# RocksDB Backed Database

val storeModule = RocksDBModule.withConfig()

var db = nitrite {

More details about RocksDB configuration can be found here.

# Securing a Database

To secure a database, you need to pass a username and password to the nitrite() function. The below code snippet shows how to secure a database.

var db = nitrite("user", "password") {
    // database configuration

# Registering an EntityConverter

Nitrite database uses a mapper to map Kotlin/Java entities to Nitrite documents and vice-versa. By default, Nitrite uses SimpleNitriteMapper as its mapper. This mapper uses EntityConverters to map entities to Nitrite documents and vice-versa. To register an EntityConverter, you need to call registerEntityConverter() method on Builder instance.

var db = nitrite {

More details about EntityConverter can be found here.

# Loading a Nitrite Module

Nitrite database is modular in nature. It provides a set of modules to extend its functionality. To load a module, you need to call loadModule() method on Builder instance.

var db = nitrite {

More details about Nitrite modules can be found here.

# Loading a Storage Module

var db = nitrite {

More details about storage modules can be found here.

# Adding Migration Steps

Nitrite database supports migration from one version to another. To add a migration step, you need to call addMigration() method on Builder instance.

var db = nitrite {
    addMigration(object : Migration(Constants.INITIAL_SCHEMA_VERSION, 2) {
        override fun migrate(instruction: InstructionSet) {
    schemaVersion = 2

More details about schema migration can be found here.

# Current Schema Version

To configure the current schema version, you need to set the schemaVersion property on Builder instance.

var db = nitrite {
    schemaVersion = 2

# Field Separator Character

Nitrite database uses . as the field separator character. It is used to separate nested fields in a document. For example, if you have a document like below:

    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "address": {
        "street": "123 Main Street",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "zip": "10001"

Then you can access the firstName field like below:

val firstName = document["firstName"]

And you can access the street field like below:

val street = document["address.street"]

To configure the field separator character, you need to set the fieldSeparator property on Builder instance.

var db = nitrite {
    fieldSeparator = '.'

# Disable Repository Type Validation

Nitrite database has a feature called repository type validation. It ensures the type of the objects stored in the repository can be converted to and from the document. By default, the repository type validation is enabled. If you disable it, and if you try to store an object that cannot be converted to a document, Nitrite will throw an exception during the operation.

To disable repository type validation, you need to set the enableRepositoryValidation property to false on Builder instance.

var db = nitrite {
    enableRepositoryValidation = false